Monday, March 20, 2006

The weekend past and the week to come...

I am at a Microsoft Exchange server training class all this week. I hope it is good, and so far it sounds like it will be. I had a pretty good weekend, I got my van fixed, the parts cost a little more than I was planning because they changed the wiring on the new fuel pump so I had to buy a new wiring harness for it. Oh well it's fixed and that is good. The AONT conference was good/fun and I think I made some good contacts, I am kind of excited about the possibilities that it opens up for networking with others that do the same kind of church computer work that I do. I thing that I am excited about is the possibility of podcasting for my church, we stream our pastors sermon now, but to podcast it will make it much more usable. So I am probably going to try to do some podcasting testing here and then help the sound techs at my church start doing this.

PS. I am rather enjoying this blogging thing, I know no one is reading and no one cares but it is helping me to think about my life.

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