Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Baseball: A review of our appreciation for our national pastime is a review of us:

I went to the Royals opening day game yesterday, it was a good time, they lost what's new. On to my point for this post, I really enjoy baseball, but I could not help feeling very distracted by all the goings on, from the silly messages on the scoreboards, the people walking around with painted bodies supporting the refurbish the stadiums vote, that silly lion throwing hot dogs into the crowd, the drunk guys behind me yelling all kinds of foul and ridiculous things at everyone, and my cell phone. This is what it takes to entertain us, when did a ball game stop being enough. We the people of this great country have a collective ADD outbreak, we simply have no attention span! It is sad, it is not a pastime anymore, because we nearly refuse to stop being 'productive' or wow'd by something. Take for example myself and the 2 guys on either side of me at the game yesterday, I took note in an early inning that the 3 of us had our cell phones out and were talking, emailing, or IM'ing, so I watched for the rest of the game and we were frequently saying what just happened (because we were working with our cell phones in hand). This did not look unique in the crowd around us. USoADD. Baseball is but one example, look around you can see it everywhere.

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